
Yester Years: Ada's Familia

Souvenir photos brought back after being home for the holidays. It's so fun to see parents back in the day.
My parents Libby & Frank. I'm filipina/chinese.

Dad before he met mom. Lovin' the gingham plaid love.

Mom staying warm in her cute white beret and faux fur coat. She's always liked the beach better. Obviously more reserved in the cold compared to her sister jumpin' for joy.

Dad rockin short shorts and Nikes. Mom sporting a matching rainbow ensemble. Ready for some bbq & badminton. 

On their honeymoon... a road trip in a RV. ♥

I like this photo mom took of dad in the RV. He looks content and relaxed. 

Mom's Virginia is for Lovers tee is epic. Diggin dad's frames and gold 
chain (the chain he still wears to this day).

Ma and I have the same hair do. Lol. 

Ma made my costumes every halloween. This is one of the cutest and I seem to like it a lot. 

Enjoying the outdoors, skiing and fishing were my favorite activities with dad.

(Still) The country girl at heart playing the piano. My first doggy, big kid bike and Reebok highs. No television allowed for me.

Two women that I adore. My grandmother Joaquina (dad's side) who I called Uma. She lived to be 97 and was the kindest woman on the planet. And a close family friend, my Aunt Mary, who I would bake with every weekend and then we'd give away our goodies around her neighborhood. Miss you~

Love those around you. Cherish your moments together. Take pictures. 


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